A traditional sale isn’t right for every house in Fort Wayne. Some houses and situations will find greater benefit by selling quickly and directly! Find out if it’s the right choice for you in our latest post!
A direct sale isn’t always considered by Fort Wayne homeowners, however, it should be. With expensive commission costs and no guaranteed sale date, listing your house can be a bit of a gamble. Below are five reasons you may opt to sell your house directly in Fort Wayne.
#1 – You Need To Sell Within A Specific Time frame
The first sign a traditional sale may not be right for you in Fort Wayne is that you have a bit of time line to follow. If you need to sell your house by a certain date or as soon as humanly possible, working with a Fort Wayne real estate agent may not be right for you. Why? The listing process can take months, sometimes close to a year. Some people find they have to pay their agent’s commission, while waiting for months for the house to sell. They end up not getting the price they want, and losing precious time and money in the end. When you choose to sell your Fort Wayne house directly to Sky Line Properties LLC, you will be able to get an offer right away, closing in days instead of weeks or months. We will always work with you to find the closing date that best fits into your schedule!
#2 – There Is Another Property You Want To Buy
The second sign a traditional sale may not be right for you in Fort Wayne is that you’ve fallen in love with another property. If there is another property you are interested in buying, but the purchase is contingent on the sale of your current property, you may want to consider selling directly. You’ll be able to close quickly and stress-free, while not losing out on that property you love. Run the numbers for yourself. Contact us and get an offer for your property for Fort Wayne house right away!
#3 – You Don’t Want To Spend Money Upfront
The third sign a traditional sale may not be right for you in Fort Wayne is that you don’t have or don’t want to spend a bunch of money on repairs and other costs. Listing your house with a real estate agent in Fort Wayne will often come with upfront costs. There’s cleaning, repairs, and landscaping to get it MLS ready. There are other unexpected costs for things like additional marketing, staging, and professional photos. The bad part? You don’t even know if you’ll get the price you want or need after spending all the time, energy, and money upfront. When all is said and done, it may not be worth the effort or the cost to put your house on the Fort Wayne MLS.
#4 – You Don’t Want To Deal With Showings or Cleaning
The fourth sign a traditional sale may not be right for you in Fort Wayne is that your situation doesn’t allow for people coming in and out to view the home constantly. Having people come to see your house isn’t always easy depending on your situation. In order to have your house sell fast using the traditional listing process, the property will need to be shown in the best light. This means keeping the house extra clean and always showing ready. There will always be people who drive by and request to see the house last minute. The last thing you will want to do is turn down a potential buyer because the house is in shambles. Maybe you have small children that take naps, or an elderly parent living in the home that make it hard to show the home or clean. Selling directly will eliminate these headaches.
#5 – You Don’t Want To Pay Expensive Agent Commissions
The last sign a traditional sale may not be right for you in Fort Wayne is commissions. Let’s be honest here. Some agents are great and combined with the right property, it just makes sense. However, it isn’t always logical to pay someone 6% of your final sale price to help you with the process, when you can do it yourself. By avoiding agent commissions and all of the other costs of a traditional sale, you will be able to keep thousands of dollars in your pocket.
Your Alternative To Listing Your Fort Wayne House
At Sky Line Properties LLC, we want you to know you have options. You don’t have to go through the process of cleaning, repairing, and making the house perfect before offering it up for sale. We’ll buy it just the way it is! When you sell your house directly to Sky Line Properties LLC, you won’t have to deal with any costs, red-tape, wasted time, or hidden charges. Let us make things easier for you.